If you do not see a current job opening that suits your qualifications but are still interested in working at the Co-op, please let us know! For the next year, when an opening occurs for a position you select, we will send you an email inviting you to apply.

The Montana Electric Cooperatives' Association (MECA) offers one $500 scholarship to their Northwest District of Montana (which includes Flathead Electric's service territory) each year. 


Basin Electric Power Cooperative (BEPC) Scholarship Program will award one $1,000 scholarship each year to a Flathead Electric member's child graduating from high school or currently attending an undergraduate college.


By completing this application, you will be considered for both scholarships. Applicant or parent/guardian must be a member of Flathead Electric Cooperative.


Your application will be judged based on the following components:

  • 20% Academic Strength (as demonstrated by rigors of
     coursework, GPA and national testing scores)
  • 20% Activities in School and Community, Awards
     & Honors
  • 20% Employment, Volunteerism, and Community Service
  • 40% Personal Statement


Applications are due Monday, January 13th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. sends more than 1,500 high-school students to Washington, D.C. each year to learn about the history of this country and the role electric cooperatives played in that history, and to meet with their congressional delegation. 

Flathead Electric Co-op offers up to three “all expense paid” trips to the Washington, D.C. Youth Tour each year to high school sophomores or juniors from schools in the Flathead Electric service territory. The student’s parent or guardian must be served by Flathead Electric Cooperative.

Application Process

Please complete the online application below. Upon completion, five finalists will be interviewed for two to three positions on the Washington, D.C. Youth Tour.


Completing the online application will require the email addresses of one to two individuals who will submit a reference on your behalf. One reference must be from a teacher and or community leader. They will receive an email request to complete the reference when you submit the application.

Interview Procedure

The selection committee will conduct 30-minute interviews with finalists and select two youth tour representatives in November.

In your interview, judges will ask questions about you – your abilities, school activities, goals, and accomplishments. They will also be interested in knowing what information you have learned about Flathead Electric Cooperative and about cooperatives in general.

Interviewed applicants will be judged on the following categories:

  • 20% Written application
  • 30% Poise (includes ability to express thoughts and ideas)
  • 20% Knowledge of Flathead Electric and cooperatives
  • 20% Personality and interviewer’s impression
  • 10% Professional appearance


Flathead Electric Co-op